Choose Smart Solar Panel Cleaning Los Angeles if you have solar panels in need of cleaning! We offer 100% FREE cleaning estimates!
Why Should You Have Your Solar Panels Cleaned?
Solar panels work by absorbing sunlight into the solar cells, or the photovoltaic cells. The more sunlight that is in contact with the solar panels, the more will be generated for your home. If you need solar panel cleaning in Los Angeles, you have come to the right place!
Solar panels are susceptible of collecting dirt, grime, debris, pollutant and bird droppings that rain cannot wash away. This reduces the solar panels output of electricity by blocking the amount of sunlight that hits the panel.
By not cleaning your solar panels and allowing dirt to build up, your solar panels efficiency is significantly decreased. Solar panel installation companies are basing the panels performance based on clean solar panels. This is why it is so important to have your solar panels cleaned on a regular bases and truly maximize the return on your investment.
Give us a call today to schedule your solar panel cleaning! (310) 853-0724
Advantages & Benefits of Solar Cleaning
Does it Increase Production?
The two biggest advantages of cleaning your solar panels are maximizing their production and protecting your investment. Clean solar panels allow maximum light exposure to the solar cells creating photovoltaic production and increasing power.
Studies have shown that dirty solar panels have decrease the photovoltaic levels. A recent study stated, “The accumulation of airborne particles (both in the shape of dust and anthropic pollution) on solar cells can grind their output down by MORE THAN 25%.”

Solar Panel Cleaning Before & After
Based on these facts, we recommend semi-annual cleanings to protect both your energy production and the return on your investment.
Does Rain Clean Your Solar Panels?
No! Rain does not clean your solar panels effectively or efficiently. Did you know that raindrops collect pollutants on their way down to Earth? It is true. Rainfall plays a valuable role in scavenging natural as well as artificial particles from the dirty atmosphere. This includes but is not limited to salt, chemicals, soot, acids, etc. Just imagine all the stuff in the air during fire season collected and dumped on your solar panels.
Also, the rain is not strong or consistent enough to effectively clean your solar panels. If you have ever seen a black car after a rainstorm you know the debris and marks left do not indicate a clean surface. The same goes for your solar panels. Except when a panel gets dirty it not only looks bad, but it is also less efficient. Birds can also wreak havoc on your solar panels. Contact us to learn more about our bird proofing services.
Give us a call today to schedule your solar panel cleaning! (310) 853-0724

Solar Panel Contract and Warranty
Many solar panel manufacturers and installers require YOU to routinely clean your solar panels as part of the contract you signed when purchasing or leasing your panels. Failing to do so may limit or prohibit you from enforcing your rights under the contract or applicable warranty.
Although each warranty and contract is different and the terms may vary, having documentation that your solar panels were routinely cleaned by a professional service can assist in the process of protecting your rights in any future dispute.

Why use Smart Solar Cleaning Los Angeles?
As a small business, we go the extra mile for our customers to ensure they are getting top results. We are fully insured so our customers can be confident they are getting a great service with top level solar panel cleaning equipment.
Solar Panel Cleaning Los Angeles FAQ
Solar panel cleaning is a complex and dangerous job. First, you must climb to the top of your roof to access the solar panels. Then, you must use the proper equipment and procedures to clean all the stubborn dirt and debris from the solar panels without damaging them or injuring yourself. It is too risky for an amateur to do. Professional solar panel cleaners have the skills and experience to stay safe on your roof as they clean away all the dirt and debris from your solar panels without damaging them. You won’t have to worry about anything with professionals doing the work and taking the risks for you.
Solar panels get dirty pretty quickly from being outside 24 hours per day. They can suffer impact from dirt, grime, algae, pollen, leaves, branches, bird droppings, etc. If these dirty elements remain covering your solar panels, then your solar energy system will not be able to produce as much electricity for your home or business. Solar panel cleaning will remove all the dirt and debris from your solar panels to restore their maximum energy capacity. That means you will produce more solar-based electricity for your home or business. As a result, you will save money on your monthly electricity bills and reduce environmental carbon emissions.